NAIOP Maryland Developing Leaders Tap into Monument City Brewing Company

citybizlist | Baltimore

Baltimore, MD
 (April 10, 2017) — Leora Davalos, Hyperspace; Brian Ziemba, Steelcase; Shannon Lobrianco, Hyperspace; Spencer Perry, BB&T and Chair of NAIOP Maryland Developing Leaders; and Andrew Finkelstein, JLL were among the approximately forty NAIOP Maryland Developing Leaders attending a recent networking session at Monument City Brewing Company in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore City. The brewery recently opened a taproom within its new 12,800 square foot brewing operation on N. Haven Street. The 1990s-era warehouse, which the brewery occupied last November, has the ability produce 20,000 barrels annually. Founded in November 2014, Monument City Brewing is best known for its 51 Rye and American Brown Ale beers.

Dustin Lynch, St. John Properties; Will Englehart, Clark Construction and Thomas Hinger, Prologis.