Harrisburg Mall is now Swatara Exchange, a 60-acre mixed-use business community located at Paxton Street and I-83 in Daupin County, Pennsylvania.
Upon completion, Swatara Exchange will be comprised of 15 buildings, totaling more than 558,00 square feet of office, multi-use business/flex and retail space. Tenant sizes from 2,520 square feet to 56,160 square feet of space offer businesses straight-forward, economical and high-utility space.
The retail component of Swatara Exchange can support more than 348,800 square feet of space, including inline merchant areas and pad sites featuring frontage on Paxton Street. Retail tenants include Bass Pro Shops, 2nd & Charles, and Applebee’s Grill & Bar.
- Construction: Brick on block
- Ceiling Height – Multi-use Business/Flex: 18 ft. clear | Office: 10 ft. clear
- Parking: 4-5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft.